Thursday, May 24, 2012

Workout #2 oooo (in my Pleasure P voice)

So I had to get another workout in today because I didn't want to come home and just sit. And I think my body is REALLY going to hate me in the morning. Of all things I wanted to run bleachers...why I have no clue. I hated doing bleachers in college, why in the world would I want to do them now? For the simple fact that they were calling me. I heard them beckoning, calling my name, and I oblige lol What was I thinking...who knows. But I do know this, tomorrow's run is not going to be pretty. Probably another tear streaked face type deal...but I can say I did conquer the beast today :o) Hoorah lol

With tears streaming down my face.....

I finished my first run since April this morning. My body fought me the whole way, but I only stopped 3 times to walk for a couple of feet. Which isn't too bad, kind of excited about the new starting point. I know I will keep progressing. And I've also decided I like running in the morning :-) Oh yeah, the best motivation is my brother. He's my new running partner!!

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Cleared to run!!!

I am cleared to run!!! Peak flow is good ( I can breath yay!!) and the doctor encouraged running to help move the rest of the gunk in my lungs. I am going to run!!! Oh yeah and for all those who like to complain that black women don't like to workout ........

Monday, May 7, 2012

Starting over!!!

Today I worked out!!! I've finally started. I am still a little winded from the bronchitis but I was determined to finish my workout for the day. So here it is:

5 rounds: 20 military squats, 20 crunches, 15 walking lunges, 20 crunches, 20 standing calf raises, and 20 crunches.
Cool down stretching

I feel really shaky but that's normal for the first day back. Tomorrow I plan to do arms and next week I can hopefully incorporate some cardio. Not going to start running just yet but probably the bike or elliptical.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

No Bueno....UPDATES about the non working out

Okay so to all my readers....I really want to apologize for the lack of posts. It has not been on purpose. Since the last post my workout regime has been cut to ZERO!!! The past month I have suffered from bronchitis TWICE as well as a long and successful track season for my athletes, and just a crazy end of a school year. Hopefully I can get cleared by the doctor to start some type of physical activity next week, but I really doubt it. At least I can finally walk from my bedroom to my living room without becoming winded (yes, it's really like that smh). So until then I wish you guys the best in your workouts, stay motivated and keep up the good work .

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

No workouts this week unfortunately

This week and part of next week there will be no workouts. I have to focus on getting my athletes through the district track meet.

Blogs will continue on April 14, sorry guys :-(

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Retraction: I can still get a workout in during track meets

So last well I wrote a post about how track meets were bad for my health because I couldn't get a workout in on those days to save my life.

Well I was wrong. Yesterday I had the best cardio since I've been working out. I got in about four miles in one day!! Want to hear about, well here it goes:

The walk from the van to the stadium is about a mile, and there are hills. So the first mile came walking to the stadium. The second and third mile came when I had to RUN to the van and back (hills and all) because one of my athletes left her uniform in her bag in the van. Then the forth mile came with the walk back to the van to leave.

So I have to retract that blog. Lord I got a workout yesterday. And today I don't want to move, but it's finals day and I have to get a little pep in my step. Not only do I have to motivate myself but I have athletes who depend on me to MAKE them believe in their own abilities and themselves. Here we go!!